The Virtual Course is almost ready for testing

The Virtual Course is almost ready for testing

On the 18th and 19th June 2024, the PRIORITY 45 consortium had their last in-person meeting in Yecla (Spain), hosted by the partner organisation CETEM.   Partners had the opportunity to discuss on the final details about the interactive activities and informative...
The consortium is advancing at giant steps!

The consortium is advancing at giant steps!

On the 7th and 8th of February 2024, the consortium has reunited in Larissa (Greece) hosted by the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development – iED.  Partners are concentrating on finalising the last details of the learning content that will form the PRIORITY 45...
Exciting Developments in Palermo!  

Exciting Developments in Palermo!  

CEIPES ETS proudly hosted a visit from Polskie Uniwersytety Ludowe from Poland, showcasing and disseminating the impactful Priority 45 initiative (project number: 2022-1-PT01-KA220-ADU-000087183).  The project objectives and activities done so far were presented, as...
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