On the 7th and 8th of February 2024, the consortium has reunited in Larissa (Greece) hosted by the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development – iED. 

Partners are concentrating on finalising the last details of the learning content that will form the PRIORITY 45 Virtual Course. The partnership’s efforts are indirect to obtain valuable content, useful and adequately adapted to the target group of the project: 45+ adults. The different workshops with stakeholders have made this task possible in a more effective way. 

At this last meeting, partners had the opportunity to receive valuable information from adult education experts from Larissa. The guests gave interesting feedback on how to get the course to the potential interested people and companies, in addition to advising partners on which could be the best way to develop the evaluation, which allows the students of the virtual course to self-evaluate their learning progress. 

Partners will deeply consider all these important points to achieve what is one of the main project objectives: to re/upskill 45+ adults to achieve a complete and resilient workforce through innovation, creativity and cooperation. 

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