On the 11th and 12th Of July 2023, the consortium of the project Priority 45 (2022-1-PT01-KA220-ADU-000087183), had its second international in-person encounter in Palermo (Italy) hosted by CEIPES.  

The project aims to re/upskill 45+ adults to achieve a complete and resilient workforce that can survive in today’s globalised and volatile world. Besides, the project intends to promote among companies and other institutions the importance of establishing training plans for 45+ adults to avoid discrimination. 

During the encounter partners could see the status of the activities carried out so far, share their experiences about the consultation workshops and establish the steps for the organization of the Joint Curriculum validation. 

In addition, this meeting was perfect for partners to discuss and establish guidelines for the beginning of the next phase of the project: the development of the Priority 45 Virtual Course.  

Partners had the opportunity to participate in an online meeting with local stakeholders who shared their feedbacks about the work done by partners so far, in addition to expressing which are the interactive materials that they would like to find in the virtual course. Emphasis was placed on the fact that the materials provided must be connected to practical examples of people’s working reality. 

Don’t miss any news about the project following its social media accounts on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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