On the 24th January, 2023 was held the first online meeting of the Priority 45 project (2022-1-PT01-KA220-ADU-000087183), a co-financed Erasmus+ project. 

The main objective of the Priority 45 project is to re/upskill 45+ adults to achieve a complete and resilient workforce that, through innovation, creativity and cooperation, can survive in today’s globalised and volatile world. It will also promote among companies and other institutions the importance of establishing training plans for 45+ adults to avoid discrimination. 

In this project organizations from different European countries collaborate to reach the project objectives: SHINE 2Europe (Portugal), CETEM (Spain), LURS (Greece), iED (Greece) and CEIPES (Italy). 

Apart from having the opportunity and getting to know each other a little better and the work of each of the organizations in their countries, the partners have been able to talk about the different details of management of the project and the next steps for its development. The project begins with the definition of the necessary learning outcomes for 45+ adults to overcome this new era of crisis, changes, competitiveness and globalisation, and design a tailored Joint Curriculum. 

Very soon they will meet in person at the next encounter that will take place in Portugal, hosted by SHINE2Europe. 

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