During August, SHINE made a stakeholder consultation in Portugal concerning the Joint Curriculum of PRIORITY45. This consultation initiative was designed to receive inputs from the project target groups and stakeholders. Its primary goal was to identify potential weaknesses and areas for improvement within the JC, ultimately ensuring sustained interest in the training course throughout its development.

The timing of this activity coincided with Portugal’s main holiday season, prompting the adoption of an asynchronous feedback collection method, in this case, an online questionnaire provided by SHINE, by email.

The questionnaire was previously developed by iED, and peer-reviewed by all the partners. The questionnaire was translated into Portuguese and disseminated via email, along with the Joint Curriculum Definition and an accompanying infographic. A total of 8 stakeholders were targeted, resulting in 5 valuable responses. The gathered data was compiled and subsequently provided to iED for further analysis. The participants overwhelmingly supported the curriculum’s structure, and no negative feedback was received.

This validation process marks a significant step toward refining the PRIORITY45 project, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with the needs and expectations of its stakeholders. The collaborative effort of all involved parties underscores the project’s dedication to delivering a high-quality training course with the utmost relevance and effectiveness.

The Consortium will now continue to develop the training content for the Virtual Course, keeping in mind the feedback presented by the participants in all the partner countries

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