On June 13th, Juliana Louceiro and Carina Dantas, from SHINE 2Europe, attended the second plenary meeting of the Large-scale skills partnership for the Cultural and Creative Industries Ecosystem (LSP CCI). 

In the meeting, the participants were informed about the latest developments, since the first plenary session in October 2022, and had the opportunity to engage in discussions where they shared good practices and resources towards defining the next steps.  

The members also had the chance to participate in deeper discussions in smaller online rooms, split by the working groups: WG1 – Working group on intelligence and data gathering; WG2 – Working group on skills for the digital environment; WG3 – Working group on entrepreneurial skills; WG4 – Working group on cross-sectoral innovation; WG5 – Working group on skills for the green transformation. 

The Large-scale skills partnership for the Cultural and Creative Industries Ecosystem aims to establish a model for skills development in the cultural and creative industries ecosystem in order to pool resources and engage in concrete upskilling and reskilling initiatives. Partners from European umbrella associations, networks, sectoral associations, vocational education and training providers as well as trade union composed this partnership, which is ruled by values like sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience, and with particular focus on digital, green, entrepreneurial, technical skills, arts and crafts. 

Juliana Louceiro joined the Breakout room “Working group on entrepreneurial skills”, where the need to connect creative economy whit social economy was discussed, as well as the lack of formal education around this sector. The need to develop a research-oriented action focused on demonstrating how to apply creativity to business and how to adapt business models to Cultural and Creative Industries was also stressed as relevant. 

This fruitful discussion brought important insights to the development of the PRIORITY45 curriculum, namely on the relevance of self-employment and the respective entrepreneurial skills, as well as on the need to explore different ways of re-skilling adults 45+. 

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