Unlock new opportunities with the project Virtual Course! Designed for 45+ adults, this course offers dynamic modules that boost your soft skills, such as creativity, critical thinking, innovation and more. Start now and enhance not only your professional life, but also your personal growth with our open and free learning materials.


45+ adults are one of the most neglected groups in companies, especially after the beginning of COVID-19, when the situation changed completely the way of work. Moreover, 45+ adults have the additional obstacle that, over time, their chances of starting up a business, changing jobs or looking for a new job diminish, with its subsequent exclusion risk. It is important that 45+ adults will be able to reinvent themselves to contribute with their experience and wisdom to the transformation of society and business. For this successful career, 45+ adults should acquire transversals skills, such as creativity and innovation.

PRIORITY45 aims to promote the upskilling and reskilling of 45+ adults to achieve a complete and resilient workforce that, through innovation, creativity and cooperation, can survive in today’s globalised and volatile world. It will also promote among companies and other institutions the relevancy of establishing training plans for 45+ adults to avoid discrimination.

PRIORITY45 will, thus, contribute to create inclusive environments that foster equality labour opportunities within the European industry, and that are responsive to the needs of the global community, especially for adults as they age.



Project management, with 3 activities to monitor, promote and evaluate the project.


Joint Curriculum, with 7 activities to design the Joint Curriculum of the project.


Virtual course, with 8 activities to develop and validate the project virtual course.


Digital Discovery Tour, with 5 activities to digital tool for spreading 45+ adult education.


Blueprint, with 7 activities for making 45+ adults learning a reality.


1. Raise awareness among 45+ adults, as well as enterprises and other organisations, about the necessity of specific training for 45+ adults.

2. Develop a comprehensive curriculum addressing all the current needed knowledge, skills and attitudes for 45+ adults.

3. Launch a pioneer training resource, free and open to any 45+ adult and any enterprise or organisation interested in lifelong learning courses based on the project materials.

4. Break borderlines among businesses and Adult Education (AE), creating common methods and skills that will allow to increase the quality of both the AE offer and the businesses performance and resilience.

5. Ensure the project sustainability and impact after its end by assuring the access to project results, with strong emphasis on results promotion to secure its impact on AE policies.


PRIORITY 45 training course adapted to EQF and deployed in an e-learning platform.

Digital Discovery Tour to spread 45+ adults’ education, current and future.

PRIORITY 45 Blueprint and Sustainability Plan.

Other intangible results such as the improvement of the Adult Education system or the contribution to the digital learning transformation are expected.


The Virtual Course is almost ready for testing

The Virtual Course is almost ready for testing

On the 18th and 19th June 2024, the PRIORITY 45 consortium had their last in-person meeting in Yecla (Spain), hosted by the partner organisation CETEM.   Partners had the opportunity to discuss on the final details about the interactive activities and informative...

The consortium is advancing at giant steps!

The consortium is advancing at giant steps!

On the 7th and 8th of February 2024, the consortium has reunited in Larissa (Greece) hosted by the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development - iED.  Partners are concentrating on finalising the last details of the learning content that will form the PRIORITY 45...

Exciting Developments in Palermo!  

Exciting Developments in Palermo!  

CEIPES ETS proudly hosted a visit from Polskie Uniwersytety Ludowe from Poland, showcasing and disseminating the impactful Priority 45 initiative (project number: 2022-1-PT01-KA220-ADU-000087183).  The project objectives and activities done so far were presented, as...


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

PROJECT NUMBER : 2022-1-PT01-KA220-ADU-000087183

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